Thanksgiving 2008A sharp dressed man showed up, looking good in that sweater vest and barefooted, I think he started on that sippy-cup pretty early Thursday morning.
We had family, in-laws and out-laws here for Thursday's dinner. Didn't hear any complaints about the food, we had accommodations for everyone, and there were no fistfights or stabbings.............inside the house anyway.
Terri (who also celebrated her birthday on this day) was able to breathe a big sigh of relief that everyone had plenty to eat, liked her house addition, decorating and furniture, and had a good time. She has three more weeks until retirement, but who is counting................everyone!!!) ?
And here's a look at some of the crowd that day; the end of the video is for you K-girl, thanks again.Happy Thanksgiving to everyone; off to OH Monday through Friday; might post some snow video when I get back.