June 4, 2010
Sorry Kristi(e), it's all about me
If you tuned in to see a cute picture of my sweet niece Kristi(e) then I apologize. I have one tuned up and ready, but this post is all about ME. But enough about me, what do you think about me?
On to this past week, up in Portsmouth OH this week for a customer's grand opening. This is a new type of location in that it has both a contractors and a retail side. Portsmouth is a small town so I hope Lute will be able to fill the Lowes/Home Depot void. Shhhhhhh, don't say anything. Skuttle was welcomed on their impressive sign for a Tuesday evening reception and an open house Wednesday.
After the open house I drove to Falling Waters WV, famous for being the hometown of TJ Jackson; but also the location where Pvt (CSA) John W. Riley was captured, and General Pettigrew was killed in July, 1863. I asked around, no one remembered our great grandfather. I got up early Thursday morning and headed for an APR open house in New Oxford, PA. Of course I had to drive through one of my favorite places, and observe the North Carolina high water mark of the Confederacy, the Bloody Angle, and Little Round Top. Certainly one of the landmark areas which made our country.
Saw a pretty rainbow Thursday evening and pulled over to take a picture. Nice, huh? Grandma said to make sure and enjoy these; you don't know when you'll see another one. That's a lot nicer story than the one my Sunday School teachers taught me when I was a kid....that one scared the hell out of me.
And hats off to Mr. Jim Joyce and Mr. Armando Galarraga. This incident may be a good thing for baseball as it showed good sportsmanship and understanding. The knee jerk reaction calling for instant replay is superficial; the real story is in the actions of the participants, not the "fans." I mentioned in my tweet this should be required viewing for all amateur athletes' parents. The constant griping I've witnessed over the past 25 years from the stands becomes more childish, boorish, but yet in my old age amusing every year. Come on folks; they are games designed for children to get exercise and enjoy it. Try not to have a cardiac over it. Now on the other hand, NASCAR..............well I've rambled enough on this subject.
And last, my new superfoe, the black ant. I had a little incident last fall when I got up at 430AM and proceeded to argue with my bed partner over my unscheduled wakeup time. I looked outside, saw the paper had indeed been delivered, and proceeded to retrieve it. By the time I poured my milk on my cereal I had some odd symptoms; dizzy, feverish, sweating....why I thought I was in love (actually I am). I was bitten by something on top of my foot, thought it must have been a spider. Well guess what? Last Saturday while working in the yard I saw one of these bite me. Not a fire ant, not a spider, not a hybrid Godzilla-type superant; no.................. a black ant. Within minutes the same type of symptoms appeared, I went in the house and asked Terri for some benedryl tablets. After she looked at me she called 911; the EMTs were there within a few minutes (sorry the details are a little fuzzy, I don't recall exactly what happened). They put me in the ambulance, hooked me up to an EKG, supplied some oxygen and observed my vital signs whcih were all good. Although I felt really bad the medicine worked quickly and they let me out. I felt like I had the flu for the rest of the day, but much better on Sunday. All because of this super-villain!
And so an eventful comes to an end, but with a fun weekend and week planned. Jackson will enjoy Senior Sunday at church, give the closing prayer at the Baccalaureate Sunday evening, a few parties and then graduation Thursday night! Jay, Holly, Cooper and Keelyn will be here from Wednesday through the weekend, and the Big Rock Keli Wagner Lady Anglers party is next Friday! Whew, I'll be worn out.Have a good weekend
Oh, guess it was all about you Kristi(e)