Monday, May 05, 2008

New furniture is here!
May 3, 2008

This weekend the owner (Project Managing Supervisor Terri) found some new furniture for our addition. Here is our new deck furniture:
Here is our new sun room furniture:And last but not least. dinner for two at our new casual dining room table:
Yes, we're out of money. If you were to suddenly remember that you borrowed some money from either of us a long time ago and never repayed it, now would be a good time.
Seriously we're getting ready to finish the yard, a few projects inside, looking for a casual dining room table with 8 chairs, and a comfy sofa.
I'm in town all week, going to take a few vacation days this week when it's pretty and try to catch some fish.


Oldparatrooper said...

I found 35 cents in the sofa where you were sitting last time you were here. Will bring this weekend.

fishinoptishin said...

...I'll see his 35 cents and raise him a nickel...if I win, can I come this weekend instead ?

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...