Monday, July 07, 2008

Busy week, lots going on
Last weekend I went to Weirton WV for Heather and Kevin's wedding reception, part two. We had planned on having a long weekend away, but Terri had to stay and help with Pop and Dink. Here's the sign that greeted me as I arrived
It was a good time, but unfortunately my flash didn't "do right" and this was the best picture I got of the happy couple. Sorry about that, it was a lot of fun and good to see the newlyweds. Kevin is getting ready to go to Iraq in a few weeks and we wish him the best. BTW, he is now Captain Kevin Riley.
GUD was there; here is rewarded with a sugar cube after doing a really swell trick
Went by Gettysburg on the way and the way home, took this picture from Cemetery Hill as the 145th anniversary of the battle neared.
On to the weekend of the Fourth, and also Jay's 28th birthday on the 5th. Pretty sunset from the new deck
Cooper strikes a thoughtful pose as he wonders about the uncertain mental condition of his grandfather
Terri sneaked out to take this surprise shot of the other Captain and his grandson. In case you are wondering about the spots on the picture, we were watching the irrigation system.......yes, another activity we Southerners enjoy; often we applaud after the performance
It's the night of the Fourth, and as Jackson explained, "we Americans like to celebrate by blowing up something." Jackson demonstrated this is an interpretive dance pictured below
Earlier that day we went to the Weinholds for a great lunch, but the wind blew us home earlier than planned.
Another shot of the best little grandson in the world; Cooper was a lot of fun


Jay said...

Great pics. Cooper often gives us that look as well. You forgot about Jackson's chant that accompanied his tribal dance... "Jay Froggy..eerrrr!"

He needs to work weekends.

That last picture is another great pic of a boy & his "blankie". He won't put it down until he's sucked the juice out of it.

007 said...

Nice shots! Speaking of shots, that is a super looking canon! And Cooper is a hot-shot in those pics as well.

Kevin said...

good shots UJ...looks like yall are having a good time out there. boy i sure do miss watching a good sprinkler system work. can you put a video loop on your blog so i can just sit and watch it go for about an hour?

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...