Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009
As mentioned before, I went to Chicago this week for the AHR Expo; but come to think of it, you're probably here looking for an update on Pop. Well just hang on, I need to ramble around for a little while first.
Last Saturday I took the line off all of the reels I'll use next year. After that I oiled and greased the reels, and then cleaned out the tackle boxes and actually threw some old stuff away. Bobby talked me into trying some creek fishing again, so we're keeping the old Coleman Scanoe and prepping some ultralights for that style of fishing. I'm ready!
I had a lot of Clark spoons that were old and rusty; so rather than throwing them away I invested in a can of silver chrome spray paint. Here are the results; we'll have to see how it works. I think I might steal some of Terri's nail polish and paint some red heads on them. Did some old Gotcha lures too.

Looked down to see about Pop didn't you? Hang on; here is the booth in Chicago. Attendance was way off; our industry is not very healthy.
A picture of our New Jersey rep Garry Stamberger with his new addition to his chin. I have no issues with facial hair; but this thing is FreekaZoid. Told him he better be glad I carried my luggage on board on the trip up; otherwise I would have a knife in my pocket and.....................I think he scared some of the street people in Chicago
I also told him he reminded me of Klaus Voorman (who?), Klaus Voorman, yes I know that is one of my most obscure references of all time. Voorman was a studio musician and artist who was well known for a lot of studio work and graphic art work (including one of the Beatles' album covers), but best known for appearing at the Concert for Bangladesh with George Harrison. Somehow or another he appeared in the movie Popeye as the town bandleader. Yes, I watched that movie more than once; I was the one person in the country that liked it; I think Jay did too, of course he was only 3 at the can do the math and psychiatry. Klaus is a bit thinner than Garry and knows how to trim his goatee properly

Still looking for the Pop update aren't you? One more: here is a very poor shot of the Friday morning breakfast club

OK, here is the Pop update in his own words (during the playoff?), BTW, he's been pretty cold so he really appreciates the old Skuttle shirt he is wearing; it is thick and keeps him warm

He is glad to be home; so am I. In town all of next week too!


Kevin said...

Uncle John, thanks for the great video of pop and dink...i can almost hear pop singing old man river and dink's 32 syllable SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....
while im raiding their fridge for a shot of the mangosteen.

glad to see the breakfast club is still going strong.

John said...

Boy it sure does my old heart good to hear (or read) you say that! As Dink says "you be good"

hxriley said...

Thanks UJ....and you can reassure Dink that I'm being good.....I miss you guys!

lankris said...

I want to know why Lance got a special message from Dink! :) Keep the videos coming!!

John said...

Good question lankris....if that is your real name; Dink's method and art of acting rarely strays from the script. You may want to contact her fan club and ask her.........
Now you be good, you hear?

007 said...

I enjoy the video of your parents. They did well on camera. I just got hooked up with Facebook, mainly so I could see more pics of my nieces overseas. That could really get out of hand very fast.

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...