Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009
First of all, Pop was transferred to Crystal Bluffs Rehab Center today. He had a better night last night and was discharged from Carteret General about lunchtime. He liked Crystal Bluffs in January, we hope he will have a good experience there again.
This guy's picture was on the news this morning, looking just a little different these days, but aren't we all? Someone who lives in our house (and must be obeyed) thought that he might be a Nazi war criminal in hiding in South America; I explained to her that escaped Nazis usually didn't tattoo a swastika on their foreheads............
And you know this guy? Here's your clue: as long as Folger's Coffee is made he will stay where he should, in prison.
In town for the weekend, off to Dallas Tuesday through Friday next week.

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Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...