Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011
Tax Day
And so appropriately enough I was in Washington DC this week; traveled up early Monday morning for the AHRI spring meeting. I met Andrew High about lunchtime and got a personal tour of his stomping grounds. A highlight was to go into the House of Representatives chamber, and to stand on the floor in front of the podium. They were not in session so no one seemed to mind too much. Awesome to stand in the middle of so much history, the words "a day of infamy" seemed to ring in my ears. Really neat, thanks again Andrew.
It was a beautiful day and the city was absolutely beautiful.

Andrew pointed me towards a Metro station behind the old Smithsonian office building. I felt very old when I told him about standing in line to see John Glenn's orbit capsule in that building as a child. He asked why they didn't exhibit it in the Air and Space Museum..............(because that building hadn't been built yet............)

After Andrew went back to work I walked down the Mall. All was well until this gang of thugs gathered and began causing mayhem everywhere. Hell's Angels, or something like that.......
Tuesday night we went to the Nationals game. It was my first time in the new stadium, really nice and convenient to the Metro. The Nationals beat the Phillies in a good game. The Phillies fans worked over the Nationals RF Jason Werth, formerly of the Phils. Saw multiple "tosses" by security. Very entertaining.
Going through some old pictures this week and found a couple of the Fishin Optishin as a baby. Couldn't resist sharing them with you since the 20th is his birthday.
And Adolph Hitler's birthday too......................., this is the FO after a couple of cold beers
Working on the bike on Saturday, at the end of the day I plan to be able to roll it. That's pretty important as the grass needs cutting and at this time I can't get the mower out of the garage with all the parts in the way.
Off to Michigan and Ohio next week. Might be able to get home late Thursday night or Friday.

1 comment:

fishinoptishin said...

As I scrolled through this blog with great appreciation and unbridled amusement and finally reached the end, my eyes drifted down to the first line of last week's blog: "I Can Hear the Piano Tinkling............."

Obviously, that wasn't the piano you heard.

Nice pics. Yep, they're me. Just so you know, I think I did the same thing on your car this past New Year's Eve except I wrote "Happy New Year A**H***!" on the back window.

You're welcome.

Andrew enjoyed your visit. Well, all except the part where you took his Federal ID and proceeded to tell everyone you were J Edgar Hoover and needed to see the President.

So, how'd that one work out for you, Edgar?

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...