Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 2012
Daytona 500 Weekend

I watched a couple of old Daytona 500 races on tape last week and was kinda surprised to see just how poor the graphics and commentary were way back then. Here is what I learned:
Ben Gazzara started the famous 1979 race
In his rookie race Ken Squier mentioned that Dale Earnhardt was not "intimidated" Hmmmm
Squier described the cars' drivers as being "at the keyboards" Again, hmmmmmm, wonder what that meant?
Chris Economacki congratulated David Pearson for winning his second 500 in 1976; Pearson just looked at him funny since it was his first win.
Buddy Baker was incoherent
Here's another Squier quote "Darrell Waltrip is off his game today, running along in second place....."
Well enough of that, went through Rocky Mount making calls Wednesday; noticed there was no monument in front of this building. See if you can figure that one out
Nor the next one either
But there wasn't one here either
Did have one suggestion for the end of humanity song: "We'll Meet Again" See if you can figure that one out while you're at it
Off to MD and PA next week; meetings end at 4:00PM on Friday in Lebanon, PA; are you kidding?


fishinoptishin said...

OK, so I gave up both posting on blogs or sending emails (yes, I'll reply) amongst several other things for Lent, but you set me up for this one so I'll count it as a 'cheat' day as any born and raised Southern Baptist turned Episcopalian (I found out they serve real wine at was a no-brainer) would do.

So, Pic 1. Memorial Hospital....duh. One of three when we were growing up....Rocky Mount Sanitarium, Park View Hospital and Memorial Hospital. Some folks with wisdom decided that RM needed more and created Nash General. I remember that KD Weeks was part of that. John Chambliss and Leon Robertson as well. KD was a good friend to Daddy.

Pic 2. 520 Mill Street. I spent as many fun times there as I did in my own home. Maybe more. I remember you, me and Pop use to watch 'Cades County' every Tuesday night and eat oranges. I remember Pop getting up on a Saturday morning and fixing brains and eggs for him and Marie whom I was dating at the time (she's the Episcopalian I married) while I had a look of disgust on my face. I remember him looking over at me and winking and saying, "You have to kiss her later." Good times.

Pic 3. 131 Wilkinson St. There should be big magnolia trees on either side of the walk. There should be a head or two banging up against the left upstairs window as two brothers fought and then forgave, and then beat the hell out of each other again. There should be a dog named Priss sitting on the front porch eating a lunch that she had stolen from China American that morning. There should be a little blonde haired kid named John Riley ringing the front door bell that went unanswered while we all stood behind the curtains and laughed.

Nice pics. Thanks.

Back to'll not get me again.

Sent From my Motorola DYNATAC 8000x

John said...

I knew it, you were home! But there are questions without answers.....but perhaps as well there should be

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...