Saturday, February 02, 2013

Do It Your Self
February 2, 2013

Busy week, write your own captions
Here, I'll start
Next door neighbor's car; not enough that he flies Pedro, he also has this Panoz race car and a stainless Cobra repli-car 
Recorded this in my hotel room in Dallas, you might need to put the buds in to hear it, what is funny is Steve's comment at the end. 
Yes, stainless
Two dogs in complete control of the pickup at Wal-Mart, complete control. They looked happy.
Say WHAT one more time, sorry, can't get past the murder thing. I hope the 50 minus one team beat the black birds. (Did I say Blackbirds)? Listen for it Sunday too. 
Rocking Rod in Hawaii, my hero
Good time in Dallas this week but I did not accomplish the goals I set. Dink has been twisted up, OK, I threw her out of her wheelchair and then tried to run over her. Sprained ankle and sucking up ALL of the oxygen in the room, her prognosis is she may possibly become a spoiled diva.   
In Florida all next week, let me know if you want some fruit, or wrinkled up Yankees. I'm guessing the fruit has a better chance.


oldparatrooper said...

Ah Grasshopper….Cobra body options are either fiberglass of aluminum. Stainless would have been too heavy for Mr. Shelby.

John said...

I think you're right, aluminum maybe?

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...