Friday, September 27, 2013

A Return to Normalcy?

Depends on your idea or conception of reality I guess, and who is to say what is normal and what is lunacy? As a certified madman I've seen plenty of people I could categorically acclaim as crazy, but very few that I think are operating on an even keel. Aren't we all just a little bit crazy?
So you know you were reading this when..........................
 You might have to enlarge this to read it, pretty funny recap of our nutty 50.
Certainly have a scatological theme this week don't you stink?
And now pictures of women bouncing on a trampoline:
Nope, just a before and after shot
This would be the after, looks kinda like a duck's ass
Well maybe not kinda. 
Rush starts today, can't wait. I remember when the 1976 Formula One title race was on, I didn't read a complete recap on the Japan GP until my next Road and Track came a couple of months later, then I read Hunt's book the next year. No ESPN back then; can't wait to see the movie. And speaking of Formula One always want to take the opportunity to say "screw Bernie Ecclestone" Thank you, I feel better
5:30 AM flight Monday morning, told you more are than aren't


Anonymous said...

I'm crazy

Anonymous said...

me too

Anonymous said...

OK you're both crazy

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...