Saturday, May 10, 2008

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Dave and I fished all day today (Saturday 5/10) without any results to speak of. Had some heavy weather overnight that might have messed things up; offshore the swell was a bit too much for our little boat. Ended up going to Lookout, the Haystacks, all over but no fish for supper.
This video shows Nell One going under the Beaufort/Radio Island HighRise Bridge. As we go under the bridge we enter the Morehead City Turning Basin (deepwater terminal)

This clip shows a run from one of the entrances to the Haystacks back to the Beaufort Bridge. We pass a tug pushing a couple of barges on our starboard.

And the last film shows Nell One in her true environment, up a creek looking for puppy drum, trout, flounder, whatever. This is the type of fishing I really enjoy down here.

Off to CO next week, check back later


007 said...

I would be interested to know the speed you were traveling in the second video. It looks like you were going about 90!!

John said...

Yes, 90, that's about right. No, just kidding, that boat will run close to 50 with one person and a light load of fuel, but with gas at $3.75 she doesn't see much over 30 these days.
Come on down we'll go for a ride

Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...