Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17, 2011
Everyone Need a Slogan

Busy week on the old eastern shore, got a lot of office work done, helped Mama with preparation for and her colonoscopy (it was my duty.....get it?) that was successful, and even managed to ride my motorcycle three evenings.
And this week is Beach Week with the in-laws. Duty calls (sophmorific humor arises again) and I will be out of town, but only for two nights. Should be a fun week, maybe we can catch some crabs with the grandchildren.
Niece Kristi and her husband Lance bought a house last week; yes, you probably saw that on the national news (well I did see where someone bought a house but I had no idea I would know them!); welcome to indentured servitude. Glad to see someone buy a house!
Nice slogan huh? I used to tell youth groups, Boy Scouts, basically any kid that would listen that a tattoo proves to me that at some point the wearer or bearer has been drunk.
Had three motorcycle rides this week; logged about 125 miles. I like riding on the highway, but need to practice the slow technical riding skills each time out. Slow speed is more difficult. Still need to synchronize the carburetors, and one leaked a little fuel at the end of the ride last night.
If this wind will ever lie down we'll go fishing. Seems like it's been going for about the last two years; but at least it cools things off a little, and keeps the bugs away.
Off to Charlotte and Newport News next week.

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Dueling Banjos No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it: Fake sleeves !!...