Monday, September 02, 2024

Northern European Adventure

Cruise in August, 2024:

Tuesday 8/13/2024 

Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made calls on Motors & Controls, Yandle-Witherspoon and East Coast Metal. Went to RDU, no food was available. Good flight on Icelandic Air, seats were a little crowded and there was no meal.

Wednesday 8/14/2024 

Easy entry into Iceland, no issues. Pre-arranged car to Reykjavík went smoothly, the driver was from Syria. Saw lots of dark volcanic rock, countryside (other than the rock) resembled parts of Wyoming. Not impressed by the city of Rajkovic, the hotel clerk spoke to us in English when we entered. I asked if she knew we are American and she did. Had breakfast at the hotel, into our room about 10:30 AM local. Took a quick nap and a shower and then caught a bus to Sky Lagoon. Really glad we took the suggestion; the only disappointment was a constant sprinkle. Very relaxing, warm pool, ice tub, sauna, cool shower with salt scrub, then back into the large pool. TAR had the first of her intestinal disorder issues, otherwise a great experience.

Back to the hotel, walked around the city, had dinner at the Laundromat. Burgers and local beer, into bed early.

Thursday 8/15/2024

I don’t know what day it is. Up at 8:00. TAR noted that her stomach felt better, maybe because we split dinner? Hotel check out is at 12:00, we went to walk in the city until 2-ish, and then planned to go to the ship. Walked up to the church and took the elevator to the top. Great views but obscured by a low ceiling and light drizzle. Walked back down the hill, looked for THE hot dog place, finally found it but the line was too long for our schedule. We went to another stand and had a tasty Icelandic hot dog with a special mustard, chili, onions and mayonnaise. The wiener was made from pork, lamb and beef. We went back to the hotel, grabbed our bags and set off for the ship. Entry into the ship was fairly easy. We went to our assembly station and then to the room. Our luggage had not arrived so we went to the Whisky Bar one level above us. Met a trio from NC, Henry with the UNC hat was from Carolina Beach. The women (Caroline and Janine) live in Raleigh and Cary, Janine is from Littleton. Back to the room to unpack, shoved off at 6:20 PM. As we entered the sea the ship rocked gently, sunset tonight is at 10:42 PM. 

We went to the Food Court for dinner and could not find a seat. Walked throughout all of the sections, ended up in a Texas-style counter. TAR had beef brisket, I had pork ribs. They offered small portions, and eating lighter worked well for us. Afterwards TAR had ice cream, I had a glass of wine. She wants a lanyard to hold her boat charge card, they sell them for $9.00, but “somebody” told her they are no charge somewhere on the ship. She is now obsessed with finding the no charge offer. Bed time at 10:00

Friday 8/16/2024

The ship is named the Prima. Today we are in Ísafjörður. The ship rocked all night, we got up about 6:00 and had breakfast in the cafeteria. At 8:00 we went to the departure theater. I was worried about walking down the aisle toward the stage, sure enough my left knee “gave out” at the bottom of the stairs and I fell to my left and backwards “GET ON THE GOUND ASAP” No big deal, got up and kept going. This was a walking tour and hanging on to TAR was a big help. Next trip: take hiking sticks! Interesting area, about 250 years old.  Learned how cod and salmon are processed. Saw the local housing, school, church, dance school, theater, etc. Interesting story about when the movie Grease came out, the town had one copy to show, and they lied and said they watched it and mailed it on the next town. The theater kept it quiet and showed Grease on special nights, the locals knew that if the curtains seen from the outside were a certain color, Grease was playing. Ended up at the Maritime Museum where we, OK, I sampled shark bites. Stopped by a beer house for tea on the way back to the ship, then got aboard in time for lunch. A long nap followed. Not sure about our dinner plans, TAR showered and is now drying her hair.

We saw cod pots coming towards Ísafjörður. The pots were designed to provide light inside at night and during the short days, they only eat when it is light, so artificial light increase their growth. We saw Boulongarvik on the left, beautiful town. Dinner that night was parmesan crusted pork chop for the lady, flounder filet for me. Very good meal and a good northern Italian grigio called Tini. Got back to the room, the apparent wind at 90 knots off port beam. People were stumbling around, in bed by 10:00.

Saturday August 17, 2024

Went into Akureyri overnight. The ship was rocking until we entered the fjord, could hardly tell we were moving after that. No excursions planned for today.

Change in plans, as we disembarked to walk around, we talked to a vendor offering a tour of the Waterfalls of the Gods. NOT AN AUTHORIZED VENDOR! We took a chance and signed on, walked around the city and had a cup of tea and a muffin, came back and got into a raised-up Ford van. Drove through a long, hot tunnel on the way. The waterfalls are a beautiful area, left there and went up to a ridge overlooking the harbor. Back to the ship in time for a drink and a snack. We are heading out of the fjord now; TAR is asleep and I am looking for whales. Not sure about dinner tonight, tomorrow we are at sea all day.

Sunday August 18, 2024

Rough seas, watched Grumpy Old Men. Neither of us had ever seen the movie, we enjoyed it but were disturbed to find out that the old men were both 68 in the movie, yes, younger than us. Had breakfast with a couple from Wake Forest, lunch with a couple from Nashville TN. He recently had heart surgery, and is a member of PCA. Before dinner we went to the comedy club and couldn’t get a seat. This was our big night dinner at Cagney’s. TAR had a filet, I had lamb chops. Great food. Afterwards we went to a juggling show which was very entertaining. Then off to the ABBA show which was a disco. Bunch of old people flailing around, reminded me of the dance of the living dead. Saw one of our Raleigh friends on the dance floor……literally. 

Monday August 19, 2024

Overnight sail to Norway, as we entered the fjord to seas calmed, the scenery going up to Gerainger was INCREDIBLE! Lots of glaciers, hundreds of waterfalls cascading from the mountain tops. Just tied up, the pier unfolded and came to us. Norway is dramatically beautiful. We had a nice breakfast onboard and then walked into town. 250 year -round residents, about the same number come in as temporary labor in the warmer months. Got on a bus about 4:00 and went up to Dalsnibba Mountain on Eagle Road. Three stops, second one was the top, pictures looking down were beautiful, as was the Blue Mountain. It is named such because the glacier minerals are blue, even with the lower light level you could easily see it. Went by a church where the princess of Norway, will marry a shaman soon. Yeah, that’s going to be a lulu. Unbelievable waterfalls on the road, one right after another. Beautiful day, off to dinner at 8:00.

Tuesday August 20, 2024

Really rough night at sea, head winds in the mid-70’s with the ship moving at about 20 knots. Got into Haugesund a little late. This was the first time NCL used this, and I am pretty sure they will get some complaints, certainly did from me. We didn’t have anything planned, got off the ship about 2:00 and took the crappiest Hop On Hop Off bus of all time. Banged my head getting on the bus, condensation kept you from being able to see what little the town had to offer. I wrote “TAKE A CAB: backwards on my window for anyone thinking about doing this to see. Got on the ship, went to the room and watched television as TAR showered and shampooed. Late for dinner, late for the comedy show, no seats. TAR told me we would have had seats if I hadn’t taken the time to eat half of my dessert. I came back to the room, she stood for a while next to the BO queen and then came home. Off to Bergen tonight.

Wednesday August 21, 2024

TAR has Harold’s Revenge. OK, that joke was penned by #1 Jay. See I always give credit for jokes I use, except for when I don’t. All night in the loo. I got up early, went and got some ginger ale for her, and then she decided to stay o the ship. Hate to say it but this was a great excursion. Started on a bus at the pier, it took us to the city center. Walked through old buildings, hard to hear the guide, but it seems as though a lot of the history of Norway intertwines with that of Germany, for a thousand years. Lots of trading, coal for fish, maybe that Hitler fellow had a point. One lady on the tour constantly told her husband that she:

Couldn’t hear…why doesn’t the guide use a microphone

Is getting wet, I though her husband said it wasn’t going to rain, although in his defense he did tell her they both read the same forecast at the same time.

Should have bought her umbrella, or a hat, or something. 

He then took off his jacket which had a hood, she asked him what he was going to do. Secretly I wondered if he was contemplating pushing her down the mountain.

By then it stopped the slight sprinkle, and she announced that she was HOT!

Good times

Anyway, back to the tour, the guide talked about the need for seamen in town, and how cruelly the apprentices were treated. Beaten, keel-hauling, you know basic summer camp stuff. We walked all through the town and then to the funicular which took us to Mount Floien. We were quickly through the line, up the side of the mountain, walked into the sunlight and saw a beautiful rainbow arcing over the harbor. Beautiful vistas, saw a troll and a woman with a cat and three dogs on leashes. Dramatic incline coming down. 

I got off the bus at the theater and backtracked to the city center and the fish market. Had a fish stew (cream based, fish, shrimp, shredded carrots and some green stuff) and a hot tea. Walked around town for a while looking for Benadryl Went into a Tennis store that didn’t sell tennis equipment, just clothes and shoes. Saw a Fred Perry jacket/sweater on sale but couldn’t justify it. 

Came back to the ship about 2:00, TAR was still in bed but feeling a little better. We went to the cafeteria and she had a plain burger (since we were in Bergen) and immediately headed to the WC. We leave at 5:00, open seas until Amsterdam on Friday. Hope she feels better. 

Thursday August 22, 2024

She still feels poorly. I got her some gluten-free toast for supper last night; she also had several; ginger ales. Ship had a rough night last night; apparent winds were 57 knots with the ship speed at 16.7. Course is 188 degrees; we are currently parallel to Copenhagen and Edinburgh. I made arrangements for a Stonehenge and Salisbury experience as our ride to London. Once we get into Amsterdam, I think the seas will be kinder. We cleared stage one of our British entry today. 1200 PM, TAR is asleep and I am watching the news. Watched one of Nicky Cage’s movies about national treasures, pretty good as I also watched the swells hitting the ship and the spray making up to our balcony on the ninth floor. It has been so rough that some of the shows were cancelled. Had a couple of drinks and a light dinner, TAR is rallying but just a little. After dinner we went to the theater and saw the Rumours/Fleetwood Mac tribute band. Stevie looked a little, well a little nothing. She was a big old girl, but the guitarist didn’t miss a single note, sounded like Buckingham. We are now in the channel and the apparent winds are at 60, the swells are not quite as shattering. Into Amsterdam tonight, excursion if she is able.

Friday August 23, 2024

She was able, although visited several WC locations throughout the day. We went to a reconstructed village; the houses and stores were taken apart from their original locations and moved there. Formula One is at Zandvoort this weekend, and the guide proudly announced that hometown here Verstappen would be the winner. I took exception. Drizzling most of the day, I am not sure we got to the “good parts” of town, hashish and prostitution. We got back to the ship about 1:00 and then walked back to the train station to buy some Benadryl type medicine. Hopefully I will be able to sleep a little better tonight. It’s nearly 7:00 and I finish this we will go to dinner, probably in the cafeteria where TAR can get something bland. The land is extremely flat, and I can see how the Nazis were able to flood it when they knew that Airborne was on the way. Tomorrow is Belgium, hopefully TAR will be able to make the afternoon excursion. 

Light dinner and then a 9:00 PM comedy show with Julie Barr. Semi-funny, lots of interaction with the audience, especially a Florida couple who were stoned.

Saturday August 24, 2024

Slept late and went to Hudon’s for a nice breakfast. TAR had scrambled eggs, grits and a banana. Went to Bruges via bus, about a 30-minute ride. Once in town we walked through beautiful parks with lots of canals. The inner city was walled since the early 10th century. We walked a lot and took a lot of pictures. TAR bought some chocolates. The port has tens of thousands of cars which are imported and exported through this port. Had a lot with a Smart thousand cars sitting there, they were destined for Russia but after the Ukrainian invasion have just sat there. The guide told us several times how thankful the residents were to the Americans and Canadians. Near the end of the war, just like Paris, Hitler told the local generals to destroy the city. The Nazi general in Paris refused the order, thank goodness, but the local Belgium general planned to destroy Burges.  The Canadian forces entered first and told the mayor they would kill the Nazi general and would ensure the city would not be razed.

Back to the ship on time, bought credits for another cruise. Packing now for departure to Southampton.

Sunday August 25, 2024

A few delays getting off the ship, finally onto bus # 4 for a trip to Stonehenge. Beautiful English countryside along the way, we were both surprised to see so much agriculture. When we got close to Stonehenge someone saw sileage haystacks and thought it was Stonehenge. I won’t say who said that, but I was sitting close to her. The site is quite remarkable. Some of the stones fit like Lego blocks. They estimate it is 4,000 to 5,000 years old. Some of the stones are from 25 miles away, some from 200. How did they move the stones and get them placed? Don’t forget, they didn’t have tools, heck they didn’t have the wheel yet! They suspect they slid them on sleds pulled by humans, lots of humans. The middle of summer and the middle of winter are aligned, many suspect the people’s hopes were increased when they knew warmer weather was coming. 

On the way to London we went to Salisbury, a very neat old British town. Met the rector of St Martin’s, they’ve been in business since 1091. We also saw the Salisbury cathedral, where a copy of the Magna Carta is kept. They were getting ready for a swing band concert on the lawn, beautiful day and a beautiful area. 

Should mention, didn’t see many hot cars on this day. A few Rolls and Bentleys, but none of the classic British sports cars I’ve always liked. Two American cars stood out in Salisbury: two Mustangs, one of which sounded like it had the famous Ford flat plane crank engine, and one yellow Corvette, it was the one with the fastback, right before they introduced the mid-engine model. Pretty model. Interesting that in all of the countries I saw a lot of Teslas, and quite a few Miatas. For some of these countries that supposedly hate the Germans so much they sure do have a lot of German cars!

We got into London, the hotel is nice, TAR showered and we went to meet William Weinhold and Chris Riley for a drink. We walked to the location on the Thames, crossing over a bridge with the MI5 building on the right. I suspect this is the bridge that Blofeld crashed his helicopter on, and was subsequently captured. No one could confirm. Had dinner at the pub (fish and chips, mackerel pate, salmon, prawns), got some good local advice. Great to see those guys, walked back to the hotel.

Monday August 26, 2024

Nice, beautiful day. Left the hotel and walked towards Parliament Square per Chris’ advice. Westminster Cathedral, Big Ben, Parliament, War (Churchill) Museum. Walked by #10 Downing Street, and didn’t acknowledge its importance. Ooooooooooooooops. Found out Churchill liked to drink alcohol, really? I always heard he drank a lot of brandy, turns out his favorite drink was Johnnie Walker………..RED! The drink of the commoner! Lots of his artifacts are in there, including his rompers. Quick lunch and the loo at the Red Lion, and then a walk-through St. James Park which was absolutely lovely on the way to Buckingham Palace. Hung around the front gate for a while, took lots of pictures, then walked back via the Guards Quarters, cut through to the business district at Queen Anne’s Gate. Goit tired and caught a cab back to the hotel. My knees are hurting.

Monday night: walked over to the Royal Oak and it was closed due to a bank holiday. Tar took up a conversation with a street lady and asked where a similar place might be. In an accent with a striking resemblance to Eliza Doolittle she recommended the Barley Mow. The Barley Mow! The Barley Mow I tell you, the Barley Mow! Ask Tar really nice and she will recreate the conversation. It was good, very authentic and I even had a Guiness. We had fish and chips and Welch rarebit. 15-minute walk back to the hotel.

Tuesday August 27, 2024

Since we had such a big Monday, we decided to take it easy Tuesday and get a car for Gatwick. Glad we left a little early, that is a long ride out there. The rides to JFK and then to RDU were uneventful, we got to our RDU hotel after midnight.

Wednesday August 28,2024

Up early, went to Nanny’s for RX prep, Harris Teeter, Char-Grill and then home by 5:00 or so. Stopped by Harris Teeter and bought some groceries, TAR fixed pimento cheese for my supper!

Due to the dietary and intestinal issue we both lost weight during the cruise Hard to believe but it is true. 

Which leads to one more joke that I stole:no, we lost money on the all-you-can-drink deal, so we do not have to go to the Betty Fjord clinic (joke used with permission of HeMustBeHigh productions)

Let me know if you would like to see more pictures.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Worth Thinking About:

I have a customer in Durham that is near this store, I've been by there many times and the parking lot is usually pretty full. Perhaps an exclamation mark was in order for that last sentence?

Anyway, I ponder one question:

Is there a minimum weight requirement for store entry? Think any skinny kids ever go in?


Monday, March 25, 2024

Dueling Banjos

No, the odd looking young man did not play the banjo in the movie, here is how the movie-magic people did it:

Fake sleeves !!!
And now you know....................the rest of the story.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

So Long 2023

We ended this year with TAR having emergency surgery due to cecal volvulus. Look it up, we were fortunate that our little town has the personnel and facilities to diagnose this and operate on it in the middle of the night...........very fortunate indeed.

So happy new year, and enjoy this year's video of the year

I would not have been surprised to hear some Vic Flick guitar music in there, along with the parachute having a Union Jack.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

 Jimmy Buffett

My favorite picture of him. 

Not a lot more to say other than rest in peace. I was lucky to see him several times through the years including PB Scott's, Walnut Creek and even Carter Finley stadium where I caught a pick, only to have a drunken old hag pestering me with: "he threw it to me." I finally gave it to her with my best wishes. 
I met Jimmy when I was checking out of a Charlotte hotel the morning after we got married. I told him I'd seen him at PB Scott's, he said he'd played at Carowinds the night before, biggest crowd he had ever seen.
Good guy, and probably our generation's Mark Twain. I still enjoy his poetry and music. Good going. 

Saturday, July 22, 2023

 Uncle Leo !!!
The Outlaw Josie Wales

..........and also the Monkees!

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

And the award for best obituary goes to..........................

July 4, 2023

.........Richard Evans. Richard and his lovely wife Carolyn sat across from us in church for the last twenty years, his weekly newsletter entertained us through many a sermon, and that is all I am going to say about that. I saw her last Sunday at church and told her this could be his best writing ever. Enjoy:

Richard Evans, 85, of Morehead City, died Friday, June 23, 2023.

First: I’m dead. If you are one of my creditors, you will have to discuss your loss with the executor of my will, whose name I will not divulge.

I was born in Washington, D.C. on December 18, 1937. Using that, you should be able to figure out how old I was when I died. For my own part, I don’t care to know when or how I died. I hope my exit was too fast for calculation. But can you believe my bad timing - being born one week before Christmas?! My mother was Eleanor Harding Evans, my father was Arthur Louis Evans; both of Washington, D.C. I lost my little sister, Lynne Evans Willis, to cancer when she was 40 years old. I had more than a few words to say to God about that. But Lynne left me my nephew, Daniel Willis and his wonderful family and my niece, Karen Willis Hartley, and her wonderful family. They’re both Mormons so God only knows how many little great-nephews and nieces there are by now. Lynne’s husband, W. Stanley Willis, Jr. of Davidson, M.D. survives, and he is a blessing.

Four days before Christmas in 1985, Jason Louis Evans, my youngest son, died in a hunting accident on Bogue Sound. He was seventeen. I had a lot more to say to both God and Jesus about that!

I joined the U.S. Army Ready-Reserve while still in high school and eventually served as a part-time soldier for eight years (including six months active duty for training). I was too young for Korea and was not called up for Vietnam. I was a patriot. I’d have gone willingly and done my best.

I met my future wife and the love of my life in the drama department at the Maryland State Teachers College (now Towson University). I pursued her until she caught me. Carolyn Ingalls Lyle and I were married August 5, 1961, two weeks before I began my first teaching job in Gaithersburg, M.D. Thirteen years later I yielded to the temptation to make some money and quit teaching to become a maintenance and painting contractor.

In 1975, the carpetbagging Evans brood arrived in Carteret County, NC. I didn’t have a job or even a job prospect, so I painted houses for a year, built a new house and opened a new business, Poor Richard’s Paint Store.


Carolyn and I had a fine old time with local amateur theatrical groups. For many years I edited a weekly letter of humor and inspiration I called, Toward the Light. I also wrote two published novels.

My daughter, Laura Lynne Harper, is married to a retired Army NCO, William Harper, and lives in Colorado. Her son, Derry Evan Giddings, Jr., is also career Army and is married to the former Katharine Hughes of Charleston, S.C. They live wherever the Army desires and are the parents of my three great-grandchildren, Derry Evan Giddings, III, Katharine Sophia Giddings (Kate), and Caleb Lee Giddings. My son, Arthur Lyle Evans, is a retired detective from the Morehead City Police Department and has two children: Haleigh Evans Alexander and Alexander Jason Evans, both living in Greensboro N.C. Haleigh is married to David Alexander and are the parents of my fourth great-grandchild, Clara Liberty Alexander.

I was a Christian - one of those “frozen chosen” Presbyterians. I am with Jesus now - wherever and whatever we are. I hope it’s a place with lots of humor and irony. I’ll like that.

I suppose there will be some sort of memorial service to “celebrate my life.” There might be a good turnout too - if it doesn’t rain. If you want to give a small memorial, just pick a good cause. My ghost will be grateful.

Okay, that’s my obituary. Can I go now?

That should make you smile. Also, in the words of Paul McCartney, "it was twenty years ago today!"

..........that we up and moved to Morehead City.

Let freedom ring!

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...