Friday, June 07, 2013

Pictures? I Got Your Pictures Right Here!
June 7, 2013

In response to your requests for less writing and more pictures:

I call him Radio-Man, sent here from a strange planet to listen and protect
This is the Tuscarora-Nooherooka Fort site on Highway 58. 300 years ago our militia along with other North Carolina Indians attacked the Tuscarora fort and killed hundreds of men, women and children. They burned the fort and sold 392 Tuscarora Indians as slaves. Many escaped, tried to negotiate peace, and were sent to a reservation in New York. 
I'm sure this is sacred ground to the Tuscarora Indians but I wish it came with some explanation. The monument is made of what appears to be a beautiful brushed stainless material with several symbols. Maybe that is the way it was designed, or maybe it will come later. 
Stopped by my daddy's grave, the dandelions are in full bloom. Must be part of the sequestration process, although not intentional it actually looks pretty. There was a fresh grave close by that had been mowed closely. 
This is part of the Smithfield Ham processing plant in Smithfield, VA. Pictures that make you go hmmmmmm, wonder if this is a chink in their armor?
This seen in the parking lot at the Ferguson HQ in Newport News, VA. I call it The De-Volution of the Jeep
And congratulations to Cooper, finished the year with a Riley standard 4.0 GPA. OK, that was a stretch
Like the less-talky? Next week's travel plans are falling through so I might be around here to clean up after TS Andrea. 

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...