We Need A Bigger Boat
June 21, 2013
Six years today since we lost Jesse, still all good memories of the best dog God ever made, gee I wonder why we haven't got another?
Saw this poor guy in a hotel Wednesday morning, I honestly can not see how he could get that rig out on the Interstate to run at any speed. When I first saw it I thought he was broken down, but no, that was his setup for moving or vacation. Whatever, but buddy, you need a bigger truck.
This cobia was recently found in our boat cooler. Nice 15 pounder, just the right size for the tastiest of meat. We need a bigger cooler. They come with bigger boats attached...........that water sure tasted funny all day
FO is shown here proudly holding the fish. Obviously there is some controversy as to who actually caught the fish as someone in the background appears to be disputing the claim. SWMBO once had her picture taken holding a real Oscar. But she didn't win one, just had her picture taken.........................
Oh well, there will always be that mystery.......mystery solved! I got up the next morning and was able to walk upright about and act normally, well my idea of normally, whatever that is. FO was in bed and took painkillers all day. Yes, he caught the fish. I conservatively estimate he fought the fish for about 50 minutes. We were lucky he wore him down with light weight tackle for so long, once gaffed and in the cooler he flopped around a couple of times and zonked out. That was good news, cobia have been known to take control once boated. Good supper that night and nice trophy for the FO
Beach Week 2013 begins today with an unusually undramatic entrance. Well, other than having the Dink hotline ring at 5:30AM, undramatic. I look forward to seeing everyone coming down here over the next few days.........................
Next week: Ohio, and pictures of grand-babies