Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm Not Quite Done Yet, I Think......................
March 17, 2013

Hopefully I am done with this stuff for this year. At home this week and then in Florida for the last week of March; maybe my snow encounters are over for a while. It was pretty and did not alter my schedule so "we cool"
Seen at a hotel amenities area, no, not at the hotel where I was staying, one that I stopped to use the bathroom, and get a free cup of coffee, and some doughnuts....................When he was little Jay used to wonder why homeless people couldn't find anything to eat; he said "why don't they just stop at the Hampton Inn like we do..........." 
A happily (un) married woman in Ohio. Not a photo shop or internet special, I took this picture . 
And Pope-A-Looooooooosa is over, what a great time we had waiting to see if they would elect Steve Martin, and if he would see his shadow. Couldn't quite figure out who Pope Francis resembles................
oh yeah, the cat in the hat. Jack Roush is a smart guy, but I don't think he's up to running that show
Happy St. Patrick's Day, so here are a couple of earnest heart felt Irish toasts:

Here's to fine wine, women and song
Here's to workdays that don't last too long.
Here's to good shoes that always fit,
And here's to you, you silly shit.

May you live forever, 
And may the last words you hear be mine

And happy birthday to my great niece Caroline. 

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...