Friday, July 06, 2012

July 6, 2012
A Little Cleanup

A few items from the past week or so as my summer slowdown continues; my goal for the summer is to spend less than five minutes on this blog. Yes I know, you can tell I didn't put much effort into this.
A short video of little Miss Keelyn getting upset because it is time to go to Sanford. She honestly had been very good all week, this was a semi-blowup although nothing like others we have seen..........
The pine cone is in the sun room for decoration, you can hear SWMBO in the background repeating this is the "first time" and it was.....................
And our lonesome dove finally left the nest early this week. Appropriate that it would be the same day Andy died, because that cage looks mighty empty now, but don't the trees look nice and full? If you don't know what that means Google "Opie the Birdman" and watch it. That and the episode about Annabelle and Tom Silby are my favorites; oddly enough the latter episode is not mentioned as one of Andy or the Mayberry fan club's top ten. I guess it has to do with ratios, poor Horatio................ Losing Andy really feels like the loss of a family member; well if that don't beat all. 
And this from the FO as a suggestion; no, it would never work, maybe I could just try it without the trailer? 
The BMW is for sale, 5.0% commission to anyone who gives me a good lead at a fair price. I have it on Craig's List, the BMW MOA website and the BMW Motorcycle Mailing list site, maybe I have it priced too high? OK, $3500.
So thirty two years ago on Tuesday night my daddy and I watched The John Wayne version of The Alamo on TV, I poured a JW Red and hit the sack about 11:00 PM and about 5 minutes later TAR's water broke. Later the next morning, right about in the middle of the fourth set of Bjorn Borg's fifth Wimbledon championship Jay was born. Happy birthday little fellow, well I guess you're not that little anymore; we're mighty proud of you and all you have done. I know you will continue to be a good father, husband and productive citizen. Keep it up.  

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...