Friday, December 19, 2014

T Minus 6 Days

We had a great time in Savannah, still hard to believe that we've never been downtown in that old city before. We ate and drank like condemned people for a few short days and really did get away from most of it............I think we were trying to get into our Christmas fighting weight before the actual holidays.
Pictures? Yes:
Add your own caption, and yes, Santa was smiling
I sat with the pastor of this church in a plane a couple of years ago and I asked if this church was PCUSA or PCA, he said "independent." I asked for how long, he answered "since 1755" Must be a colonial thing. This is one of the scenes of the feather in Forrest Gump. Now, how did we know each other is Presbyterian? My guess is that it was meant to, that's where this story goes from the sublime to the ridiculous. I was reading a book our session was assigned and he asked if I was a pastor. I know I know I know, but that story is true. 
I took this picture for Marie, good idea of how near big ships come to the river walk area.
Olympia Restaurant. One word: stop what you're doing right now and go there as quickly as you can. OK, that was more than one word.
OPA! Hope you enjoy it, I doubt if they will let us back in. Thanks for the heads up from the Highs who unfortunately will probably not be allowed in either. We shouldn't have mentioned their names.
 I haven't the foggiest, but there it is
The owner of these two fine animals told us how the short-hair pointers  discovered her wrapped Harry and David Christmas presents earlier and then "got into it" with the rest of them. I asked if I could take a picture to remind me why I don't need a dog.
We had fun, and thanks to all for covering us.
Dink is comfortable at Hospice, but is losing some short term memory. We have to always qualify that with the fact that she is still pretty sharp for a 1923 model. I talked with her one night from Texas this week and she was happy to tell me she had three desserts that night. Screw diabetes!
Prince George's parents published this picture this week
Do you think they were separated at birth?
I do. 
Pictures? No. Today I sit at Duke Hospital with my wife as she gets the "thing" on the tip of her nose taken off. Good news, it was only one mm deep and they are already patching it with skin from her ear. She joked with the doctor that she wanted to get her eyes done at the same time. They're laughing and my hands are shaking, glad everybody is having fun. She's tough and this ain't no time to lose your nerve. Sadly it reminds me of Jackson getting his tonsils out at UNC-CH years ago, not everyone in this waiting room is getting good news. 
And this weekend we will prepare our house for Christmas, I promise. I've done most of my work, getting the tree in the house and the boxes down from the attic. From here on it's pretty easy: drink Scotch and stay out of the way. I'm kidding. 
But in the mean time let's all relax and enjoy the sounds of the season, because I've been a good boy all year and I think Santa is bringing me a red one. If you're at work put on your headphones, either way turn up the volume and enjoy the symphony:
Sorry, saw that this week and I couldn't resist. Merry Christmas

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...