September 21, 2012
We Can Change The World
TAR and I went to Chicago this week to the 2012 Mechanical Systems Week (used to be called Comfortech) to represent Skuttle in booth number 807. I knew attendance might be off when none of our reps needed a badge....................
Dink fell Sunday and hit the back of her head on the sidewalk; little goofy(er) than normal but should be back to whatever her normal is soon.
rearrange the world........................
On the way we stopped in Mount Airy and caught the Snappy right before they closed. It has been a long time since I've enjoyed a pork chop sandwich, and boy oh boy did I ever enjoy this one.
While in Chicago.....OK, Schaumburg we visited the Weber Grill. I've been there once before and was not disapointed. Yes, that Weber Grill, and yes, they cook everything using charcoal and big kettles.
Won't you please come to Chicago for a ride?
I paused long enough to take this picture of my fresh garden salad with no dressing. You can barely see the roasted spinach in the upper corner of my plate, so I did have some greens. Amazing how much they can do on those grills; still not sure how they fixed that martini
And now we are on our way home, Shelbyville IN for tonight; still not sure how I manage to schedule these late night drives, should have studied harder in school. OK, should have studied in school.
And we're all strung out going in different directions, maybe we'll all get together one day. In town most of next week, and then we're supposed to go somewhere Saturday. Oh yes, a wedding.
Won't you please come to Chicago? Guess it is too late for that
Lyrics courtesy without the permission of Graham Nash