We had our stewardship dinner with the enthuuuuuuuuusiastic John Capps to speak and motivate our congregation. If you missed it you missed a lot. I figured John would hit a home run, it was a ten run homer if such things existed. Thanks John, and here's a copy of something he handed out, well worth the read if you can enlarge it
In case you've ever wondered how much cigarettes cost these days, and who doesn't.....here it is from Long Island, NY. When I saw the sign I thought well $0.82 a pack, if you buy a carton isn't so bad. No, this is for a pack. Been a long time since I bought a pack, if I still smoked and then quit I could afford a boat payment! But more on that later................
Busy at work while you're reading this? Here's a good way to waste some time........a bear playing tether ball
Not sure what next week holds but we plan to fish Monday with Jackson while he's home for fall break. Oh yeah, in the new boat, but stay tuned for more information on that later