Friday, June 19, 2015

Not Feeling Very Funny This Week

What is happening?
Hard to believe what happened in Charleston but apparently the church and the community have come together and decided not to burn their neighborhoods. It is very sad, beyond comprehension what causes human beings to do these things.
The Big Rock ended last Saturday, the most exciting part was Monday when our First Presbyterian pew-mate and his crew won the Fabulous Fisherman portion. No one has won it over the past few years and it rolled up to $365,000. Fabulous Fisherman pays the first 500 pound blue marlin to the scale, Shenandoah got there with a 503.6 pound fish a few minutes before Carly A. Attention to detail helped win a lot of money. Here's the moment they made the announcement, Alan Willis is getting a congratulatory hug from his wife Carole:
$365,000 !!!
And despite the events of the week that can make you smile. I was sitting in a restaurant in West Virginia when she sent that picture and I grinned all night. 
There is a movement afoot to place a woman's face on the twenty dollar bill. I'm not sure why they're deciding this is an important cause, but may I suggest:
And maybe that made you smile, it worked for me. 
Grandchildren are here, BEACH WEEK starts tomorrow. I hope it is a pretty weekend, because I'm wheels up at 515 AM Monday and wheels down at 1134 PM Friday. Texas seems like a nice cool place to be in late June doesn't it? It's OK, I got a note from my doctor that asked permission from SWMBO. I'm doing my best to keep her happy, we're planning a NYC trip in July.
I'll try harder next week, and I've got some funny stuff.

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...