Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012
Another Motorcycle Problem

For five straight weeks I've come home at or after midnight; just for fun last week I did it twice. Jackson came home sick and we took him back Sunday night. I need frequent driver points. Next Friday, coincidentally Good Friday, my flight is due to arrive in New Bern after 10:00 PM. The fun continues.
There is no wonder I wake up worrying about such things as whether Gilligan was his first name or his last; by the way it was his last name, his first name was Willy.
But it is a good thing that both TAR and I enjoy our jobs and what we do, there is some kind of fulfillment out there somewhere which like total consciousnesses on my deathbed is nice..........
At the Wal-Mart this week and realized that at the age of 56 I am finally able to pick out my own cereal. When did that happen? Oh look at the Fruit Loops, Captain Crunch, SMORZ, Apple Jacks, and Fried Chocolate Chicken with Gin-Lace Marsh-mellow Berries....OK, I made that last one up. 10 turned into 56 faster than that last martini disappeared, which by the way was February 20th not that I'm counting................And the answer for which you're groping is Crunch Raisin Bran
And now for pictures you seem to prefer over my writing: from George Takei titled "ohhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
From my own brilliant mind; were these two separated at birth? You decide........

From the rooftop of my Toronto hotel; a suggested motto "we put the bomb in Bombay"
Mandatory Niagara Falls picture, sorry the lighting was poor, I left Toronto pretty early in the morning. Still beautiful as ever
.................and our grand daughter is a plate licker, good to the last drop.
In Dallas all next week.
Oh the motorcycle you ask? Riding in Beaufort at 35 MPH and hit a small bump, the windshield broke. Took it back to Knuckleheadz, we'll have to find out what my birthday present is going to cost.

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...