February 16, 2013
OK SWMBO, pictures of our grandchildren:
Followed by a picture of..............................let's call him Spock. His French name was sheeeethaid. Saw this in one of them there fancy shmancy magazines, really does look like him with the black spots. Interesting dog, I can see my MIL making her "face" when she talks about him. Somehow or another she thinks he was the ugliest dog ever. Funny how people's taste runs.....and that's all I'm going to say about that.
Look! Disney commented on Rocky Mount! Not sure that's a very positive comment about my hometown, but funny nonetheless
This cat is rail purdy. OK I'll stopInsert your own caption here
And now you know the rest of the story about the meteor...............
Rode over 400 miles on the bike Friday, needed a day to let the wind clear my head. The bike runs well and is scheduled for its annual and 36,000 mile service next week. Oh well, we didn't need anything to eat for the next few months. Good thing it's fast, that will help when I rob the banks to pay..
Said goodbye to Allie Ruth Winstead and Beth Lockhart this week. Allie was 94 and Beth was 37 with three children, the youngest is one year old. That was a very sad funeral. And again, that's all I'm going to say about that.