Thursday, September 30, 2010

October 1, 2010

TS Nicole bothered us a lot more than we expected and was meaner than Earl. We've had nearly 15" of rain since Sunday and everything is soaked.
Here's our boat landing 3 hours after high tide; the post with the chain is the beginning of the landing

Ever been through a hurricane? Ever wondered what it is like? Well Nicole wasn't a hurricane, just a lightweight tropical storm; but still not very pleasant. See if you can tell where this video is going, and remember as you listen that the windows of the Jeep are up; it was that loud
(The video is below, BUT it has been shanghaied by YouTube, no idea why; but it is good! E-mail me if you want to see it
Might have a couple of days on the road next week, and then next Friday Jackson will be home for fall break, looking forward to that.
Now to dry out...............................

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...