It is early Friday morning and I thought I would knock this out quickly with funny animal pictures, I can't remember which kid called an animal an aminal but it stuck.
A bald eagle perched on the side of the road in VA.
A dog gets a little worried about the change in his friend's change in attitude. Of course I liked the picture because the blonde resembled Jesse.
Jake and Sarge tussling over a milk carton in our back yard. My daddy used to tie an empty milk gallon over a low hanging oak tree limb and....................well hilarity ensued. As one dog established dominance and took the jug he would move away, the increased pressure would cause him to lose his grip, the jug would go back to the neutral position and the game would reset. Entertainment came easy on Mill Street before cable television.
I've heard a lot from people who saw a shark at the beach, finally it is time to hear from the shark
Speaking of low hanging fruit this is a real photo from the Outer Banks, this innovative couple from Richmond are taking no chances by making a shark cage from plastic. I guess it worked, after all if you were a shark would you want to eat something this crazy?
I'll throw some NYC pictures in next week, but here is a teaser: SWMBO and I relaxing in a sleeper car on the way north. Although the train was about an hour late I found the trip more relaxing than ever.Maybe it was the bottle of gin we sneaked in?