March 29, 2013
I've been in Florida all week. I usually stay in mid-price range hotels, and I always enjoy seeing families in the lobby and restaurant. It is interesting to observe the cross section of humanity being played out by the tired, excited, anxious multi-generational participants in my human study. If you were to interview them it would be interesting which emotions would bubble to the top. I like to think this is their only trip as a family, they've saved for years for this experience, and that the weather will be perfect for their big day. In reality they're probably doing this several times, somebody is sick, they will work around the weather, they're doing "all of the Disney parks" the parents are worried how they will be able to pay for it..........does any of this sound familiar? It's always interesting to see these family memories play out as the Family Truckster finally pulls into central Florida to create this year's historical chapter in their family scrapbook. Good luck to all, I hope you do indeed have fun, and safe travels.
It's Good Friday and I have two appointments and a lot of asphalt before I get home, and I am ready. It's been a busy first quarter and I look forward to a little time off next week. TAR and I have to figure out what to do after I work in the office Monday cleaning some junk off my desk.
Cute story: last Sunday Pastor Tim was explaining to the children why the people in Jerusalem were so excited and were yealling HOSANNA as Christ entered the city. He asked that they imagine it is the NCAA tournament and their favorite team has the ball with 5 seconds to go, what would you yell? Young five year old Seth said "shoot a three!"
Last year in VBS the instructor was telling the kids about the saga of Daniel. As the class was ending the instructor lead up to the finish of that episode as Daniel was jailed in the den of lions. She asked that they come back tomorrow to see what happens...............our Cooper then told everyone not to worry, he's heard this story before, Daniel will be OK.
Those stories should remind us not to work with animals or, funny and somehow or another, true stories.
Which gets to our point today, which is Good Friday, the day of Christ's crucifixion. I'll play the part of Cooper here; the tomb is empty. Hosanna indeed!