July 27, 2012
How Old Was The Godfather?
Watched a special on The Godfather this past week and discovered Marlon Brando's age during the filming of the first movie; care to take a guess? Although I know you think this impossible your humble author was off by quite a bit.
I stopped by Sanford on the way to Ohio last week and got to hold my newest granddaughter Annabel Faye Riley. Looks like she's going to be a cotton top, trying to think of a good nickname for her.Any ideas? The Morrows across the street like "AB" but that's probably because they run Atlantic Beach Surf Shop. She is beautiful and we have yet another Riley female. After all of these boys (except for one, sorry Kristi) for all of these years, now nothing but girls. Kevin and Heather are expecting their second girl this fall. We are happy that Holly is out of the hospital and feeling better. I got home at 2:00 AM Saturday wondering if normal 57 year olds do things like this...............
And this week has been Cooper week; amazing to watch this soon to be 6 year old navigate through a computer, an I-pad, or even a 10 year old PS II game. Now to just be able to teach him how to cast using a bait-caster reel...............guess we are a ways away from that at this point, maybe we can introduce him to the great outdoors when it isn't so dang hot.
Cooper asked "are you part of the Riley name?" My answer was that as far as he should be concerned I am the Riley name.
I then gave him a Riley history lesson which included the story about the small rocking chair in which he was sitting.
"Do you know whose chair that was before you were born?"
"Yes, it was my father's"
"Do you know whose chair it was before your father used it?"
"It was mine when I was a little boy"
"It was mine when I was a little boy"
"Thta would explain why it is bwoke"
No, it really is hard to write stuff this funny.
This picture is in here because I like it
Last week while bouncing through the channels in a hotel room I caught the Mohammed Ali-George Foreman fight in Zaire. I don't think that fight was shown live is the USA, and whoever's broadcast I watched employed the wonderful broad and colorful vocabularies of David Frost, Jim Brown and Smokin Joe Frazier. I remember that fight as being the Rope-A-Dope fight, but I guess I'd forgotten how hard Ali fought throughout the first five rounds. It wasn't until the fifth or sixth that he went to the ropes and let Foreman punch himself out. It was a thing of beauty to watch, Ali was sooooooooooooo good; if you see it on ESPN Classic I strongly recommend you give it a watch.
47, which to me personally seems a long time ago. Yes, 47, and they did a lot of makeup on him for the later in life shots, but 47. Think about that old man stumbling around in the garden, 47. Cheese and crackers. 47
And RIP Bentley High, you were a good dog. I always enjoyed your company. You were friendly, energetic, and full of boundless love. We will miss you.
In town for one more week