Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday
March 29, 2013

I've been in Florida all week. I usually stay in mid-price range hotels, and I always enjoy seeing families in the lobby and restaurant. It is interesting to observe the cross section of humanity being played out by the tired, excited, anxious multi-generational participants in my human study. If you were to interview them it would be interesting which emotions would bubble to the top. I like to think this is their only trip as a family, they've saved for years for this experience, and that the weather will be perfect for their big day. In reality they're probably doing this several times, somebody is sick, they will work around the weather, they're doing "all of the Disney parks" the parents are worried how they will be able to pay for it..........does any of this sound familiar? It's always interesting to see these family memories play out as the Family Truckster finally pulls into central Florida to create this year's historical chapter in their family scrapbook. Good luck to all, I hope you do indeed have fun, and safe travels.
It's Good Friday and I have two appointments and a lot of asphalt before I get home, and I am ready. It's been a busy first quarter and I look forward to a little time off next week. TAR and I have to figure out what to do after I work in the office Monday cleaning some junk off my desk. 
Cute story: last Sunday Pastor Tim was explaining to the children why the people in Jerusalem were so excited and were yealling HOSANNA as Christ entered the city. He asked that they imagine it is the NCAA tournament and their favorite team has the ball with 5 seconds to go, what would you yell? Young five year old Seth said "shoot a three!" 
Last year in VBS the instructor was telling the kids about the saga of Daniel. As the class was ending the instructor lead up to the finish of that episode as Daniel was jailed in the den of lions. She asked that they come back tomorrow to see what happens...............our Cooper then told everyone not to worry, he's heard this story before, Daniel will be OK.
Those stories should remind us not to work with animals or, funny and somehow or another, true stories.
Which gets to our point today, which is Good Friday, the day of Christ's crucifixion. I'll play the part of Cooper here; the tomb is empty. Hosanna indeed! 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Equinox
March 22, 2013

I still have something else to say.

This week marked Spring Equinox and I actually had someone ask me if I "balanced my eggs." I can do that trick any day of the year, as well as balance salt and pepper shakers and wine glasses, the trick is using salt. Sitting in first class many years ago I balanced both my salt and pepper shakers. The flight attendant was amazed (insert joke here). TAR can do it any time of the year without salt. I think I'll dunk her in the water and see if she floats or sinks. SHE'S A WITCH I TELL YOU, A WITCH! I always thought that was a funny criteria for telling if someone was a witch or not; let's see if you're not a witch you drown and if you are a witch we burn you at the stake. I think those crazy Salem citizens simply had some women they wanted to get rid of. Lose/Lose, don't like those odds

And speaking of slight of hand, take a minute and seven seconds and watch this video:

Riding my bike is kind of like that. I've never flown an airplane at treetop height but I think it might be like that too. Trying to come up with a name for her, any ideas? Little Sorrel? 

And I learned something else this week, if you say the word "gullible" very slowly it sounds like "Can of green peas" Go ahead, say it very slowly and out loud, very slowly now, try it again............
Off to Florida again next week, and then maybe a week of vacation? 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm Not Quite Done Yet, I Think......................
March 17, 2013

Hopefully I am done with this stuff for this year. At home this week and then in Florida for the last week of March; maybe my snow encounters are over for a while. It was pretty and did not alter my schedule so "we cool"
Seen at a hotel amenities area, no, not at the hotel where I was staying, one that I stopped to use the bathroom, and get a free cup of coffee, and some doughnuts....................When he was little Jay used to wonder why homeless people couldn't find anything to eat; he said "why don't they just stop at the Hampton Inn like we do..........." 
A happily (un) married woman in Ohio. Not a photo shop or internet special, I took this picture . 
And Pope-A-Looooooooosa is over, what a great time we had waiting to see if they would elect Steve Martin, and if he would see his shadow. Couldn't quite figure out who Pope Francis resembles................
oh yeah, the cat in the hat. Jack Roush is a smart guy, but I don't think he's up to running that show
Happy St. Patrick's Day, so here are a couple of earnest heart felt Irish toasts:

Here's to fine wine, women and song
Here's to workdays that don't last too long.
Here's to good shoes that always fit,
And here's to you, you silly shit.

May you live forever, 
And may the last words you hear be mine

And happy birthday to my great niece Caroline. 

Friday, March 08, 2013

Is This It? (are we there yet?)
March 8, 2013

Are we there yet? Who knows, might be. 
Good week cut semi-short by snow and ice in VA. I made it to Lynchburg and found the city nearly shut down by the snow; or did they hear the Yankees were coming? Managed to get to Farmville Wednesday night and saw Jackson. 
For next summer he's trying to figure out how to:
a) find an intern position in DC
b) pay for housing and food in his non-paying job in DC
c) stay the heck out of Morehead City  
d) all of the above
It was a good although brief visit.Richmond got hit harder than expected by the snow. 
I love these guys to pieces, home made joke there, anyone get it? A good pun is its own re-word. 
For the fans of 2001: A Space Odyssey

Now for some Pope-pourri..........................Looking for a new Pope? Two words: Steve Martin, he's already got the clothes and I think he can fake the Latin

Where do I find this stuff? Beats me, especially during Lent. And that might be all I have to say. 

Friday, March 01, 2013

Springtime Is Coming
March 1, 2013

I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, warm weather must be headed our way at some time. Ready when you are....................and we're waiting.
Told you Kyle Larson would either win or knock a fence down; scary scene at Daytona last week. I think the only way to make automobile racing completely safe is to eliminate both the cars and the spectators. Otherwise, well every now and then the dark side of the sport rears its ugly head and strikes. So sad, never supposed to happen that way but then again there are a lot of things in everyone's lives which are not fair. Hope the people that were hurt heal quickly. 
Nicu was here last week. Told us about having to put support into one of his rental properties so he installed a stainless steel pole, thought the occupants might be using it for other things. From the wit of Whitney Cummings " ladies a stainless steel pole in your house is not a workout, it is when things don't work out." Thank you Whitney, we'll be in touch.
We're always looking for something new or better. Had a friend who wanted to live near the community pool, but once he did he couldn't wait to move away. Be careful what you wish for, and by the way his name was Marco Polo........thank you John, don't sit by the phone. 
I watched the Oscars last week, the whole thing. Yes, the Oscars, feel free to read that line again. I'll wait. Yes, the Oscars, the first time in forever. I had my brother's hand me down pants and Jackson's Topsiders he threw away onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, although no one asked me. We go to the movies more than ever now and had some interest in how things would go; however the real reason was to watch Seth McFarland. Great job Seth, but from his remarks this week it doesn't appear as though we will see him again. I really liked his song and dance routines. Still a little too soon for the John Wilkes Booth comment?
Why can't you trust an atom? Because the make up everything.
Now for pictures, because I know that's why you tune in each and every week:
Maybe duct tape can't be used for everything:
 Turned the arrow right back at myself, does this saying make my ass look too big?
 Rocking Rod on a great big ass wave.
VA next week, maybe a quick catch up with Jackson while I'm out

Northern European Adventure Cruise in August, 2024: Tuesday 8/13/2024  Drove to Raleigh, lunch at Panera’s. TAR went to Nanny’s, I made call...